Friday, December 19, 2008

Coming together

So it's been a while since I posted. We have carpet in all of our new rooms now! It's starting to look like a house and home. Only we have the 2 chairs and OF COURSE the TV in the "new" living room and the couch in the old livng room keeping the Christmas tree company. I have mixed feelings about the arrangement. I want to be in the new part for Christmas but REFUSE to move my tree. I want Christmas morning to be somewhat homey and it's hard when most of your funiture is in a different room. Who knows? One day my life will slow down.

I am reminded by a friend how "on display" we are for others. Sean and I were having a "discussion" on the way into home depot the other night. It was about how our Scott didn't cooperate to see Santa and if he had done it my way all would be well with the world. then, Lindsey and Robbie Berg were across and i mean across the parking lot and came over to give us a hard time aobut that said discussion. We were both horrified that we had been so loud. Now we can laugh but it was totally embarrassing. of course, Sean was horrified that anyone heard our disagrement like they don't know we are going to argue. But all is better. We got our closet rods, didn't get our walldots(pink polka dots for baby's room) much to Sean's pleasure. I will order them online dear.

Children are doing great.. Kennedy announced to everyone today at Learn and Play open house that we were going to Gransy's house.. My mom.
She is a sassy little girl.. I am so sorry I EVER talked back mom.
Scott is just as stubborn as can be. In the last two days, he has torn up TWO DVD players and I have been watching him. Today he escaped upstairs to inform me that
"TV mommy' M'mon and see. Like I didn't already know. His speech and word and sentence formation have dramatically improved since his surgery. We are soo thankful.

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